Monday, February 15, 2016

Wait, I have an exhaust fan in my bathroom? Are you using your bathroom exhaust fan correctly?

Hopefully you not only know you have a bathroom exhaust fan, you are also utilizing it every time the bathroom is occupied. The main function of an exhaust fan is to clear unwanted contaminates such as moisture and odors from the bathroom. For a lot of people that means that when the mirror starts to fog up, they turn the fan on and as soon as they leave the room they turn the fan off.

Unfortunately that is not utilizing your fan the way it is designed. According to the Home Ventilation Institute (HVI) the exhaust fan should run for at least 20 minutes after the shower has been used. This ensures that the proper amount of ventilation has occurred. To simplify the process there are many timer options on the market today.

For existing fans, you can simply add a timer wall switch. This can typically be done in less than an hour by a homeowner with some electrical wiring knowledge. Air King always recommends consulting a professional if you are unsure about any aspects of the installation.

If you are looking to purchase a new exhaust fan, there are many models that include motion sensors that detect when you leave the room and allow the fan to run for the preset amount of time. Both of these option simplify the process so you are not trying to figure out how long the fan has been running or need to remember to go back into the bathroom to turn the fan off. To learn more about Air King’s bathroom exhaust fans, visit

Monday, February 1, 2016

Do you have energy monsters in your home – Unplug unused appliances

Look around your home. They are lurking all over– Energy Monsters. Homeowners in the United States waste a considerable amount of energy and ultimately money each year on appliances and electronics that are constantly drawing energy. We refer to them as energy monsters.

Stop for a minute and think about all the electronic items you have in your house, digital clocks, appliances, phones, computers, etc. All of these items are drawing energy by just sitting there. Granted they do use considerably more energy when being used but would you keep a light on in a room you are barely using? That is basically what we are doing when we have these electronics plugged in when not in use.

Take another look around your home and ask yourself what doesn’t need to be plugged in – the clock radio in the guest room that never gets used, the TV/DVD in the basement that gets used maybe once a week, the toaster oven with the digital display? How many items can you find?

Another energy monster is an older appliance like refrigerators. Remember when you had the great idea to not be wasteful when you bought that new fridge and decided to put the old one out in the garage to use for extra storage. Well, that might not have been the best idea. Typically older refrigerators are considerably less efficient than new ones. If it feels like the fridge is running non-stop that also means the electric bill is running non-stop. The energy savings of replacing that with an ENERGY STAR certified fridge might pay for itself in less than 5 years.

Our homes are filled with opportunities to save energy. Some are bigger than others, but they all make a difference. To learn more about other helpful cost saving tips visit the climate change section at